
Home Faculty

Horn of Plenty

Dr. Terry Roberts can play the alphorn 'til the cows come home

A Man with a Knack

Rich Chapman wasn’t a born administrator but he was a very good one

A Partner and a Partnership

The Carroll Webster connection has made WebsterRogers a second home for FMU grads

Wittmann-Price’s research model travels the globe

Wittmann-Price named a 2015-16 Trustee Research Scholar

Masters at Work

Francis Marion University’s cadre of artist-professors straddle two worlds in a never-ending balancing act

Rajagopalan Keeping it Collegial

FMU's new Dean of the School of Business hoping for smooth transition

Goodbye to all that

Which in the case of the multi-faceted Dr. Peter Whelan, is saying quite a lot

Kyer finds a good fit at a small-town college

Kyer named a 2015-16 Trustee Research Scholar

Parliamentary Procedures

Interest in European Union Parliament sparks new book, new course for Daniel

A (Reluctant) Son of Ireland

His dad wanted to be an American, but Chris Kennedy couldn't ignore his roots